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White Out; Wet In

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White Out; Wet In

We have moved our inventory onto the lot; trucks begin rolling in!


The frigid nightmare of last week rapidly recedes into memory.  Plant-wise we came through in excellent fashion, however one of our larger buildings, used to store bulk soil products did not survive.  Fortunately, there were no injuries to any living thing, excepting hurt feelings; with the knowledge of a future, previously unplanned project, in the months ahead.  We will deal with it later; no time for lamenting…spring is upon us!


We appear to have seasonable, much milder temperatures in store for the coming days.  It also seems as though this climactic temperature moderation will be accompanied by liquid precipitation.  A rainy weekend is predicted for us all.  The good news is that while the rain looks to be potentially voluminous, it should be spread out over several days, hopefully avoiding flood hazards for everyone.  The creeks may rise, but they probably will stay within their banks.


This weekend likely will provide an excellent opportunity to take stock of how well your grading is performing (or not) around your home.  Water never lies.  That said, you may witness it lying around, but it will tell you the truth.  If you have issues around your house that arise from slow, or no-moving water, you should consider noting these.  It can only be done when standing/running water is present.  I recommend obtaining some ‘irrigation’ or other wire-staked flags.  Simply ‘flag’ the perimeter of the problem area when water is present (or, you could take pictures).  That way, when the water has subsided, you know exactly where the problem area is. Don’t trust your memory, it does liemine does.


So, we invite you to come out for a wet Saturday visit; bring your raincoat, umbrella, and galoshes. We’ll gladly give you a ‘walk-about’ the premises.  Make sure to take photos of your area(s) you are working on; it helps us greatly to visualize the landscape situation you are dealing with.   


Don’t miss the BNBBC this week. We’re talking medicinal plants, composting, container gardening, and landscape planning.


David Bates


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