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Time Among the Flora

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Time Among the Flora

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Daylight Saving Time (DST) is like a quirky, slightly eccentric uncle in the life of gardeners. Just when you’ve got your gardening routine down, DST rolls around, winks, and says, "Let's shake things up a bit!" Suddenly, those early morning garden prep sessions, under the soft embrace of dawn's first light, are thrust into darkness, as if the sun hit the snooze button but forgot to tell you.


But it's not all early morning stumbling in the dark. DST extends the evening sunlight, granting gardeners extra hours to toil in their green kingdoms after the day's duties. It's like Mother Nature's overtime, without the extra pay, where the reward is the sight of blooming flowers and thriving plants bathed in the golden glow of the delayed sunset.


This time shift is a double-edged shovel for gardeners. On one side, it can disrupt the circadian rhythms of people, causing some to question the meaning of life. On the other, it offers the promise of longer evenings spent among the whispering leaves, a time to nurture, prune, and perhaps indulge in a little peaceful reflection. In this light, DST is the unexpected plot twist in the gardener's yearly saga, a reminder that gardening, as in life, a little change can be a good thing, especially when it means more quality time, among the flora.


There is always plenty of planning that precedes planting.  It may not always be intuitive, all the conditions your specific gardening project may present.  This week I call your attention to the ornamental aspects you may be dealing with. Ben Trest, one of our stellar landscape professionals, gives great detail, in a step-by-step, thought process you should undertake, before you place a shovel into the soil.  Everything from light considerations, to selection of plants, along with proper spacing and arrangement is discussed!


Each Saturday morning, live at 8 AM, we expound on your gardening questions: “Gardening Inside Out”. Listen to our Podcast anytime! Follow and contact us:  FacebookEmail Instagram


David Bates


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