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A Tropical Atmosphere

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A Tropical Atmosphere

Natural air filters, containers galore, and Proganix™ -i; made to go together!


To this point, 2020 has proven to be rather tranquil.  There have been no ‘Winter Storm Warnings’ or low temperature extremes.  Still, it is winter, and most of us spend more time indoors this time of year than at other times. With doors and windows closed, the heat turned on, and the introduction of many new items into our homes made from synthetic materials, it’s no wonder if the air where we live doesn’t always feel wonderful, especially at this time of year.


In this age of technology, it is quite natural to simply think about purchasing some new-fangled appliance to filter the air.  Another prevalent option is an upgrade to more expensive filters for your central heat and air system.  Those choices are excellent if removing particulate matter from the air is the goal, but to remove the toxins we bring into the house every day, you need something far more advanced: Plants.


If your memories of the seventies are a bit foggy (like mine) or non-existent altogether, the use of tropical plants to improve our indoor atmospheres, is not merely aesthetic, as they were back-in-the-day.  While the ‘cool’ factor is undeniable, the health benefits cannot be overstated.  Plants remove toxic emissions from synthetic building materials, airborne mold, viruses, and pollutants.  Energy efficient construction is great, but doing so makes spaces as tight as possible, which traps the inside air. These construction materials can also release toxin emissions such as benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, trichloroethylene, and xylene.


While we can’t see these invisible home invaders, they are real.  Plants provide the finest system ever produced for removing all these airborne assailants.  Contrary to what you may have read elsewhere, ALL plants filter the air and remove these toxins.  Determine the amount of light you have available where you plan to add some foliage; we’ll help you choose flora you can be successful with!


Here’s a host of choices, simply click: Sansevieria, Dracaena, Ficus, Pothos, Philodendron, Palms, and a whole host of Miscellaneous Plants.


David Bates


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