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P25-Echinacea #1 Echinacea x Cheyenne Spirit/ Coneflower

Home / #1 Echinacea x Cheyenne Spirit/ Coneflower

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Bursting with vibrancy, 'Cheyenne Spirit' displays a multitude of colors on a single plant, creating a warm, colorful tapestry of orange, red, gold, purple, and white for any landscape. It has been tested and shown to perform especially well in Tennessee.

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Brand: P25-Echinacea
Article number: 019117
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Product Details

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Echinacea hybrid 'Cheyenne Spirit'

COMMON NAME: Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea

GARDEN SIZE: 24 to 30 inches tall, 18 to 24 inches wide




WATER & SOIL: Prefers well-drained soil and has average water requirements. Does well in rain gardens.

HABIT (FORM): Clumping, Columnar, Dense, Erect


FLOWERS: Multi-color - orange, red, purple, cream, gold. Summer to fall.


WILDLIFE SUPPORT: Supports native bees, lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), and birds (especially finches).

FERTILIZING: Give a root stimulant or 4-3-3 fertilizer during initial planting, then feed lightly in late winter or early spring with compost or an organic fertilizer.

PRUNING: Cut back to just above soil level in early spring. Leave the seedheads in place over the fall and winter to support wildlife.

TOXICITY FLAGS: Not generally considered toxic to dogs, cats, or horses. Always research further if you have concerns, as reactions can occur with anything.

USES: Borders, containers, meadows, prairies, rain gardens. Cut flowers.

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