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Changes Are Coming!

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Changes Are Coming!

Halloween treat: EarthMix® Magic™ Mushroom Compost bag/bulk 20% off!* Fall back 1 hour, Sunday 2am.


It is time. It doesn't matter how much you may enjoy Halloween, one fact you can't deny: changes are coming. We’re knocking on the door of November. More than the expected weather changes that occur, the mental changes that accompany the season are subtle, yet undeniable. You have no doubt noticed, the days are getting shorter. For some, that transition alone has its difficulties. I find that I occasionally need to work inside with bright lights on to compensate for the ever-shortening day length. I don’t personally get into a mental funk with extra hours of darkness, but I surely can become less productive.  On some level, we are all affected, and the days will continue to get shorter for nearly two months! This Sunday, changes are coming.


You won't catch me with pom-poms, leading cheers supporting time change benefits. We all know that no daylight is actually saved or lost.  We have simply time-shifted.  It’s an unnecessary and confusing activity.  It is a head scratcher.  I fail to see any real benefit.  I understand the ‘arguments’ from ‘a proponent’, Benjamin Franklin: Saving Candles.  He wrote an essay called, “An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light”, to the editor of The Journal of Paris in 1784. In the essay, he suggested, jokingly, that Parisians could economize candle usage by getting people out of bed earlier in the morning, making use of the natural morning light instead. Since candles have long since been relegated to aromatherapy & emergency lighting situations, it seems a bit much, to jump everyone through the twice-a-year hoops of resetting our clocks, both internally and externally. 


Here’s my suggestion: Pick one. I couldn’t care less which. Okay, I’m done.  Now I will carefully step down off of this soapbox…


Here’s some Halloween fun for you. Check out our very own, “Bates Coven” in a fun and informative special edition of Bates Nursery Botanical Boot Camp.  See all the spooky plants they have selected for you!


David Bates


*In-store only, web and phone orders excluded.


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